Book Review | Live the Life You Want With the Money You Have by Vince Scully

I pride myself on being pretty good with my finances and in my professional life I am called upon to run an eye over all things numbers. When it came to an opportunity to review Live the Life You Want With the Money You Have,
 I jumped at the chance and this book did not disappoint.

Author Vince Scully has managed to take some really complex foundations and made them not only easy to understand but relatable in a new and down-to-earth way.  You're not going to feel smashed like an avo at your local café, nor will you be told this is no longer an option for you to indulge upon each weekend. There are some obvious call outs around starting early to reap the long term benefits but again positioned in such a way that you want to apply these learnings straight away rather than kicking oneself for not opening a compounding interest, fee free bank account in the womb.

A personal favourite of mine was calculating out your income into hourly increments to have a clear line of sight between work and reward. It's even more eye opening when you extrapolate that across not only the standard working week but the hours one might actually work. Useful as a tool whether you're one, a couple or a family, the book has some tools enclosed to assist your potential financial overhaul.

As for me, I'm off to make my bed. That will make me sense once you've bought the book!

Melissa Ryan – Head of Trade Engagement & Special Projects at Tabcorp

Live the Life You Want With the Money You Have is available now.

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