Book Review | There Has To Be More by Rachel Service


There Has To Be More: The Essential Guide to Personal Growth is Rachel’s first book of what I hope will be a very long list. ‘Why is that?’ you ask? Because this is the book you didn’t know you needed, but it hits the nail directly on the head. So why wouldn’t you want more insightful guiding works from this author to support you through every stage of life.

A book of the times

For some reason, this book fell into my lap at just the right time. And not for only me, but I expect a legion of people coming to terms with not only what’s next, or how do I get there, but in fact exclaiming there has to be more!

You’re not alone

You don’t have to be facing an existential crisis to want a change, to move at a different pace or want more overall. Rachel’s book covers all aspects of your desire for more, from evaluating the current circumstances of your life, to seeing you through to the other side.

The guides and exercises within the book support you through your self-assessment of identifying what you want and taking the steps to make it through to the other side. These invaluable exercises enable you to hold yourself to account and clearly set out a plan for what you want, and how to get there.

It’s not cliché

You might feel this is another book like the others on the shelf so why pick up this particular one? Written in such a fashion, you feel like Rachel’s friend who’s relating, supporting, playing devil’s advocate and lifting you up through what would feel too hard to tackle on your own or without this book.

If you’re unsure what’s next, how to get there or you’re expecting someone to drop opportunities on a platter in front of you, stop, buy this book and gain the clarity you need to build yourself into the person who can achieve it all.

A book not for the moment, but a reference guide for years to come.

Melissa Ryanpassionate about leadership

There Has To Be More: The Essential Guide to Personal Growth by Rachel Service is available now. 

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