Gift Mindset
by Renée Giarrusso
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2021 Living Now Book Awards - Bronze medalist
2022 Next Generation Indie Book Awards - Motivational Finalist
2022 Next Generation Indie Book Awards - Self-Help Finalist
An award-winning guide to embracing the life-changing gift mindset, from highly sought-after leadership, communication and mindset expert, Renée Giarrusso.
Most of us experience challenges, crises, sadness and triumphs and success at some point over the years. Life throws us curveballs. Some are made of glass and hard to catch, some bounce off us and others seem to fall straight into our hands.
Renée Giarrusso calls these 'gifts'. How we catch (or drop) these gifts depends on our mindset, perspective, beliefs, experiences, values and so many other things.
In this beautiful, thought-provoking book, Renée explores how to adopt the gift mindset and deepen and develop the 12 Gifts that, if embraced, will bring you greater personal wellbeing and professional success.
The first part of the book explains the benefits of adopting a gift mindset and barriers you might face; the second introduces us to the 12 Gifts, which are:
Optimism; Change; Curiosity; Courage; Gratitude; Resilience; Growth; Empathy; Connection; Forgiveness; Contribution, and; Re-energising.
A chapter is dedicated to unwrapping each gift. There are stories and research to illustrate how the gift can be useful, and practical advice on how you can reframe what can seem to be a challenge into an opportunity. At the end of each chapter there is a GIFT process to help you share the gift with others and five key takeaways which provide a quick reference point to ensure you embed and share the learnings for yourself, your team and loved ones.
Renée Giarrusso believes that by adopting a gift mindset, we can grow as leaders, live a life with purpose and leave a valuable legacy. This mindset is a key trait of a limitless leader.