High Performance Through Happy People <br><i><small> by Elaine Jobson</i> </small>
High Performance Through Happy People <br><i><small> by Elaine Jobson</i> </small>
High Performance Through Happy People <br><i><small> by Elaine Jobson</i> </small>
High Performance Through Happy People <br><i><small> by Elaine Jobson</i> </small>
High Performance Through Happy People <br><i><small> by Elaine Jobson</i> </small>
High Performance Through Happy People <br><i><small> by Elaine Jobson</i> </small>

High Performance Through Happy People
by Elaine Jobson


Regular price $32.99 Sale

Balancing good culture and high performance is never easy. You want your people to be happy and enjoy coming to work, but you also need them to be productive and deliver results. Many leaders believe that striking this balance is impossible.

Australia’s own ‘Culture Queen’ Elaine Jobson guarantees that it’s not only possible but essential if you want to build an organisation that achieves sustainable performance over the long term. She sets out how to do this in this practical, easy-to-follow book, which covers how to:

  • Lead a high-performing, happy culture
  • Build high-performance teams
  • Design your high-performance culture
  • Make lasting culture change.

By following the strategies in High Performance Through Happy People, leaders who invest the time and focus needed to implement the change required can be confident of stellar results.