Book Review: Be Your Own Leadership Coach by Karen Stein

Review by Melissa Ryan

As a leadership enthusiast, I was eager to read Karen Stein's new book, Be Your Own Leadership Coach. 

I’m going to start where Karen ended, and that is by saying to ‘keep your mind open to learning more so you can continue your journey of self-awareness and self improvement’. I think this is the essence of the book and great leadership.   

This book is useful for anyone who wants to grow as a leader, regardless of their career stage. As I read, I could see myself in different stages having use for this book in different ways based on my own experiences and challenges. Also true, is how I could see how useful it can be to those around me for different stages of life and situations.

As you would expect from a coaching book, it offers several practices, each ending with a self-coaching exercise. Traditionally, I’ve found these intimidating and generally leave me at unease with my life choices to date (!), yet these exercises are reflective, and when built upon throughout the book, give a richness to your attributes that you often don’t give yourself time to reflect upon.

In saying that, the book also encourages you to stop and give yourself time and not let busyness be a factor (okay, excuse). As Karen says, ‘those who prioritise understanding themselves find it easier to lead their way and be their best selves’.

Whilst you might read it now and have a different outcome to the position you were in pre-pandemic or future you, the strength is in its flexibility. Buying this book assures you a lifelong companion that will support you as you and your career evolve. I look forward to returning to its pages for years ahead.

Be Your Own Leadership Coach: Self-coaching strategies to lead your way by Karen Stein is out now. 

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